
Yolc is a safe, expressive, fun language for Ethereum, powered by YulDSL/Haskell.

🚧 Yolc is currently in technical preview: it works for technical demos, but feature-parity with Solidity will come by 2025/Q1.

Try It Out

Because it is still in technical preview, to give the current technical demo a try, you should use Nix to get a reproducible, declarative, and reliable development environment for settingup Yolc:

  • Step 1: Follow the official instruction for installing Nix the package manager.

  • Step 2: After installing Nix, you may also need to add this to nix.conf (located in .config/nix in single-user installs and in /etc/nix in multi-user installs):

    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  • Step 3: Checkout the yul-dsl-monorepo where Yolc is built from.

    $ git clone
  • Step 4: Enter the Development Environment Through Nix Shell

    $ cd yul-dsl-monorepo
    $ nix develop .
    # Also, let's refresh cabal packages list (Haskell's package manager) in case you haven't yet
    $ cabal update
  • Step 5: Run the ERC20 demo that test it using foundry.

    $ make test-demo-foundry
    yolc -m yul examples/demo
    cd examples/demo && forge test -vvv
    [⠊] Compiling...
    [⠒] Compiling 25 files with Solc 0.8.28
    [⠢] Solc 0.8.28 finished in 1.00s
    Compiler run successful!
    Ran 2 tests for examples/demo/test/ERC20.t.sol:ERC20ProgramTest
    [PASS] testBalanceOfIsViewFunction() (gas: 13897)
    [PASS] testMintAndTransfer(uint128,uint128) (runs: 257, μ: 78223, ~: 78766)
    Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 39.49ms (39.26ms CPU time)
    Ran 1 test suite in 39.98ms (39.49ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)

Great success!

You should now also have a look of how the Solidity/Yul code looks like:

$ make test-demo-yul | grep -v '//dbg:'
Click here to see the generated Solidity/Yul code
yolc -m yul examples/demo:ERC20
object "ERC20" {
 code /* object init code */ {
  datacopy(0, dataoffset("runtime"), datasize("runtime"))

  // constructor


  return(0, datasize("runtime"))

 object "runtime" {
  code {
   /* dispatcher */ {
    switch selector()
    case 0x70a08231 /* balanceOf(address) */ {
     let v_a, v_b
     v_a := __abidec_dispatcher_c_a(4, calldatasize())
     v_b := u$ERC20_20_25(v_a)
     let memPos := allocate_unbounded()
     let memEnd := __abienc_from_stack_c_u32(memPos, v_b)
     return(memPos, sub(memEnd, memPos))
    case 0x40c10f19 /* mint(address,uint256) */ {
     let v_c, v_d
     v_c, v_d := __abidec_dispatcher_c_au32(4, calldatasize())
     u$ERC20_23_19(v_c, v_d)
     return(0, 0)
    case 0xbeabacc8 /* transfer(address,address,uint256) */ {
     let v_e, v_f, v_g, v_h
     v_e, v_f, v_g := __abidec_dispatcher_c_aau32(4, calldatasize())
     v_h := u$ERC20_43_23(v_e, v_f, v_g)
     let memPos := allocate_unbounded()
     let memEnd := __abienc_from_stack_c_b(memPos, v_h)
     return(memPos, sub(memEnd, memPos))
    default { revert(0, 0) }
   // exported functions
   function u$ERC20_20_25(v_i) -> v_j {
    v_j := sload(u$ERC20_9_47(v_i))

   function u$ERC20_23_19(v_a, v_b) {
    let memPos := allocate_unbounded()
    mstore(memPos, shl(224, 0x3676a601))
    let memEnd := __abienc_from_stack_c_u32(add(memPos, 4), v_b)
    let success := call(gas(), v_a, 0, memPos, sub(memEnd, memPos), memPos, 0)
    if iszero(success) { revert_forward_1() }
    if success {
     let rsize := 0
     if gt (rsize, returndatasize()) { rsize := returndatasize() }
     finalize_allocation(memPos, rsize)
    sstore(u$ERC20_9_47(v_a), __checked_add_t_uint256(sload(u$ERC20_9_47(v_a)), v_b))

   function u$ERC20_43_23(v_a, v_b, v_c) -> v_d {
    sstore(u$ERC20_9_47(v_a), __checked_sub_t_uint256(u$ERC20_20_25(v_a), v_c))
    sstore(u$ERC20_9_47(v_b), __checked_add_t_uint256(u$ERC20_20_25(v_b), v_c))
    v_d := true

   // dependent functions
   function u$ERC20_9_47(v_a) -> v_b {
    v_b := __keccak_c_u32a(88805073310878547854323506196443343264722613599023821393996832376402040743314, v_a)

   // builtin functions
   function __abidec_dispatcher_c_a(headStart, dataEnd) -> v_a {
    if slt(sub(dataEnd, headStart), 32) { revert(0, 0) }
     let offset := 0
     v_a := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_a(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)

   function __abidec_dispatcher_c_aau32(headStart, dataEnd) -> v_a, v_b, v_c {
    if slt(sub(dataEnd, headStart), 96) { revert(0, 0) }
     let offset := 0
     v_a := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_a(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)
     let offset := 32
     v_b := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_a(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)
     let offset := 64
     v_c := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_u32(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)

   function __abidec_dispatcher_c_au32(headStart, dataEnd) -> v_a, v_b {
    if slt(sub(dataEnd, headStart), 64) { revert(0, 0) }
     let offset := 0
     v_a := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_a(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)
     let offset := 32
     v_b := __abidec_from_calldata_c1_u32(add(headStart, offset), dataEnd)

   function __abidec_from_calldata_c1_a(offset, end) -> value {
    value := calldataload(offset)

   function __abidec_from_calldata_c1_u32(offset, end) -> value {
    value := calldataload(offset)

   function __abienc_from_stack_c1_a(pos, value) {
    mstore(pos, __cleanup_t_address(value))

   function __abienc_from_stack_c1_b(pos, value) {
    mstore(pos, __cleanup_t_bool(value))

   function __abienc_from_stack_c1_u32(pos, value) {
    mstore(pos, __cleanup_t_uint256(value))

   function __abienc_from_stack_c_b(headStart, v_a) -> tail {
    tail := add(headStart, 32)
    __abienc_from_stack_c1_b(add(headStart, 0), v_a)

   function __abienc_from_stack_c_u32(headStart, v_a) -> tail {
    tail := add(headStart, 32)
    __abienc_from_stack_c1_u32(add(headStart, 0), v_a)

   function __abienc_from_stack_c_u32a(headStart, v_a, v_b) -> tail {
    tail := add(headStart, 64)
    __abienc_from_stack_c1_u32(add(headStart, 0), v_a)
    __abienc_from_stack_c1_a(add(headStart, 32), v_b)

   function __checked_add_t_uint256(x, y) -> result {
    let failed := false
    result, failed := __safe_add_t_uint256(x, y)
    if eq(failed, true) { panic_error_0x11() }

   function __checked_sub_t_uint256(x, y) -> result {
    let failed := false
    result, failed := __safe_sub_t_uint256(x, y)
    if eq(failed, true) { panic_error_0x11() }

   function __cleanup_t_address(value) -> cleaned { cleaned := __cleanup_t_uint160(value) }

   function __cleanup_t_bool(value) -> cleaned { cleaned := iszero(iszero(value)) }

   function __cleanup_t_uint160(value) -> cleaned {
    cleaned := and(value, 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)

   function __cleanup_t_uint256(value) -> cleaned {
    cleaned := value

   function __keccak_c_u32a(v_a, v_b) -> hash {
    let memPos := allocate_unbounded()
    let memEnd := __abienc_from_stack_c_u32a(memPos, v_a, v_b)
    hash := keccak256(memPos, sub(memEnd, memPos))

   function __safe_add_t_uint256(x, y) -> sum, failed {
    x := __cleanup_t_uint256(x)
    y := __cleanup_t_uint256(y)
    sum := add(x, y)
    if gt(x, sum) { failed := true }

   function __safe_sub_t_uint256(x, y) -> diff, failed {
     x := __cleanup_t_uint256(x)
     y := __cleanup_t_uint256(y)
     diff := sub(x, y)
     if gt(diff, x) { failed := true}

   function selector() -> s {
    s := div(calldataload(0), 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

   function __validate_t_address(value) { if neq(value, __cleanup_t_address(value)) { revert(0, 0) } }

   function __validate_t_uint256(value) { if neq(value, __cleanup_t_uint256(value)) { revert(0, 0) } }

   function allocate_unbounded() -> memPtr { memPtr := mload(64) }

   function finalize_allocation(memPtr, size) {
    size := and(add(size, 31), not(31)) // round_up_to_mul_of_32
    let newFreePtr := add(memPtr, size)
    // protect against overflow
    if or(gt(newFreePtr, 0xffffffffffffffff), lt(newFreePtr, memPtr)) { panic_error_0x41() }
    mstore(64, newFreePtr)

   function ge(a, b) -> r { r := iszero(lt(a, b)) }

   function le(a, b) -> r { r := iszero(gt(a, b)) }

   function neq(a, b) -> r { r := iszero(eq(a, b)) }

   function panic_error_0x11() {
     mstore(0, 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
     mstore(4, 0x11)
     revert(0, 0x24)

   function panic_error_0x41() {
     mstore(0, 0x4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
     mstore(4, 0x41)
     revert(0, 0x24)

   function revert_forward_1() {
    let pos := allocate_unbounded()
    returndatacopy(pos, 0, returndatasize())
    revert(pos, returndatasize())

   function sge(a, b) -> r { r := iszero(slt(a, b)) }

   function sle(a, b) -> r { r := iszero(sgt(a, b)) }


The code that produces this is under /examples/demo/src/ERC20.hs.

Going Further

Find the best channel for you on to follow the updates of the project. The project has a road map and is still early, we can shape its direction together.

If you wish to understand the inner working of the project, please checkout its code base where the code are well commented with additional details inside their README files.


Here are the frequently asked questions.